'We can't afford another investment'

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, assured today that the ERC proposal to swear in Salvador Illa as president of Catalonia “has no chance of success in Congress. It is not advancing. It would simply be a kick in the constitutional puzzle. “I cannot support it and I sincerely trust that my party will not tolerate it.”

This Wednesday, without being questioned by journalists, he made an institutional statement in the Fuensalida Palace in Toledo, the headquarters of the presidency of the autonomous community, in which he assured that as president of an autonomous community “this document does not bind me” and he showed himself to be very critical: “We cannot afford another investiture” –

Nor does it bind him “as a socialist”, he assured, referring to “what was promised in the electoral programmes, which is the opposite of what the ERC is asking for”. Something he described as “obscene and embarrassing”, which, he said, is also “a breach of equality” and “rude” in terms of possible single financing for Catalonia.

“The independence movement was created to break Spain and they have fulfilled their mission. The PSOE was created to fight inequality. It is not always easy, but we cannot protect it or promote it.”

This statement comes after the executive power of Castilla-La Mancha announced yesterday afternoon that will appeal against Organic Law 1/2024 of 10 June on amnesty for institutional, political and social normalization in Catalonia before the Constitutional Court. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the Community Administration was authorized to formalize the appeal.

The appeal is filed after consulting the Advisory Council of Castilla-La Mancha. In cases of possible unconstitutionality, article 54.5 of the Law on Government and the Advisory Council provides that the executive must consult the Advisory Council, the body that monitors compliance with the Constitution, the Statute and the entire legal system.

The conclusions of the advisory body's opinion, the regional government said in a statement, “are strong regarding the unconstitutionality of the norm and the legitimacy of the autonomous community to present this call.” The opinion was delivered during the plenary session of this body on July 23, without an individual vote taking place.

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