In the same vein, Zapatero has indicated that he was right when he stated that the PP and Vox governments “They would be a serious setback for democracy“. “I will always oppose the serious setback that the PP and Vox governments have inflicted on issues such as gender equality or immigration policy“, he defended.
In this regard, Zapatero regrets that the political crisis between PP and Vox has occurred on the issue of immigration.”I would advise these parties who claim to be Christian in their thinking to read the Pope's words on immigrantsabout what they are not, what they are not coming to threaten us with, and what they contribute,” he explained.
When asked whether the PSOE would support the PP in the autonomous communities where it is in the minority after the departure of the far right, the former Spanish president said that 'It should be the PP governments that take this initiative'. “The Socialist Party has a number of principles. We will only support policies that coincide with what we think about advanced and social democracy, which has nothing to do with what has been done so far,” he replied. “Better what is now than what happened a year ago, but I think the right has a problem in this country,” he added.
Redondo joins Zapatero's line
For her part, the Minister of Equality referred to the immediate approval of the Parity law as another progress made by the executive power, but it has marked as a starting point for its implementation the law against gender violence which has been the reason for this act, to which it has indicated that it “an ecosystem in favor of equality.”
However, Redondo pointed out that there is still much work to be done, which is why he has focused on that latest CIS researchpublished this Friday. It shows that 45% of young men say “they have gone too far on equality”, while 85% of young women think exactly the opposite: “not enough equitable progress has been made.”It is one of the most significant gaps in the history of a single generation.“Education is the way, we must continue to strengthen this at all levels,” he argued.
Regarding the rift between the right and the far right, Redondo joined Zapatero's celebration and assured that ““Spain is more decent and democratic today because the far right has abandoned autonomy.” “Now it has to come from the city councils. Their austerity policies have to come from the institutions to free us from that burden,” he asserted, words that have also been echoed by Leire Pajín: “The contempt for the victims – of sexist violence – should have been enough to break them from day one.”