Zapatero's stirring speech on the day gay marriage was approved is recovered

the Pride 2024 celebrationthe stirring speech of the former president of the government has been found on social networks José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero the historic day when the Congress of Deputies approved the proposal gay marriage.

It was June 30, 2005. In a historic session, the Spanish Congress of Deputies approved the reform of the Civil Code, which allows same-sex marriages. In an emotional speech, the President of the Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, highlighted the progress made towards a a more equal and freer societyfulfilling an electoral obligation and responding to a long-ignored social demand.

Zapatero stressed that Spain joins countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada in recognizing this right, promoted by the U.values ​​of freedom and equality. Although it was a small change in the law, the amendment had a huge impact on the lives of thousands of citizens. “We are increasing the opportunities for happiness for our neighbors, colleagues, friends and family, and building a more decent country,” the president said.

The speech emphasized the historical repair towards a community that has been humiliated and whose rights are systematically ignored. “Today, Spanish society is giving them back the respect they deserve, recognizing their rights, restoring their dignity, affirming their identity and restoring their freedom,” Zapatero said. Moreover, he pointed out that the triumph of this minority is a triumph for the entire society, including those who opposed the law, as it represented a victory for freedom.

The president addressed the criticism from some sectors who believed that the reform threatened the institution of marriage and the family. In contrast to this opinion, Zapatero defended that the law did not represent an attack, but rather an evaluation and recognition of marriage. “I want to make it clear to you that this law, like other reforms that preceded it, will not produce any evil, and that its only effect will be to save people from useless suffering,” he declared.

The approval of this law was part of the continuous progress towards freedom and tolerance that Spain has experienced since the Democratic Transition by the various socialist governments. Zapatero recalled that the rights and freedoms acquired were the result of the efforts and sacrifices of many people, which was a lesson in social improvement and the extension of tolerance.

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Referring to the poet Cavafis, Zapatero closed with a message of hope and pride for the progress made: “Today, with this law, we demonstrate that societies can improve themselves and that they can push the boundaries of tolerance and reduce the space of humiliation and unhappiness.”

The approval of same-sex marriage marked a new chapter in the history of civil rights in Spain, consolidating the commitment to equality and respect for diversity.

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