Reddit is making it easier to search for your favorite memes

An illustration of the Reddit logo.

Reddit is announcing some updates to search, including a dedicated media tab for search results in the company’s native mobile apps. The improvements should make Reddit search a bit more useful, though, from what I’ve seen, they don’t dramatically overhaul the ways you can already search on the platform.

The new media tab is already available for me in Reddit’s iOS app. When I enter a search query, I see the media tab on the far right of the other search tabs that show up, and as you might expect, the new tab shows a grid of photos and videos related to the search query. There’s also a new media tab in the mobile apps when you search for things while browsing a specific community, which could be a useful tool to find your favorite memes from your favorite subreddit more easily.

A GIF of the types of search results you might see in Reddit’s new Media tab.

A GIF of the types of search results you might see in Reddit’s new Media tab.

Unfortunately, the media tab only shows up in search results in the Reddit mobile apps right now, so you can’t use it on the web just yet. The feature is in the works for the web, spokesperson Courtney Geesey-Dorr tells The Verge, so hopefully it’s available soon.

Other updates to Reddit search include a simplified results page and improved spam filters. Reddit also says that the posts and comments tabs in search results on its mobile apps are compatible with screen readers.

The search updates follow a handful of other announcements from Reddit in recent days. Last week, Reddit introduced a new “Contributor Program” that lets you turn Reddit gold into real money (which I worry could change the culture of the site) and also announced that it will no longer let some users opt out of personalized ads.


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