Carbon Dioxide Fee Allocation Act: How CO2 taxes are distributed between renters and landlords

Anyone living in a poorly insulated home often has to heat more. This results in high costs and high carbon dioxide emissions. According to the latest figures from the Federal Environment Agency, German households will have a total of 78 million tons of CO in 2023.2-Equivalent caused. Positive: In the housing sector, values ​​fell for the fourth year in a row.

The reason may be the increasing awareness of heating-related costs. Additionally, CO that has been collected over three years may also have an impact2-Fossil fuel levies create savings incentives. Until now, renters have had to bear these taxes alone. Since the 2023 heating season, homeowners have paid, as specified in the Carbon Dioxide (CO) Cost Allocation Act2-KostAufG). How much one pays depends on the energy conditions of the apartment building based on CO2-The amount per square meter and year can be read. If the property is in poor condition, the owner will pay more. Read what actually applies.

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