'Sometimes 2024 letters arrive': a well-deserved postcard holiday

ART Results of the IV call Fifth edition of 'Sometimes letters arrive', the ABC Cultural initiative in which artists tell us what their summer will look like through creatively intervened postcards Contribution by Alejandra Riera and cover of the last issue of the ABC Cultural Season 25/07/2024 Updated on 27/07/2024 …

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The 'greatness' of Rafa Nadal | Paris 2024 Olympic Games

At this point in the film many are wondering why, to what extent, it can make sense for someone who has won virtually everything to continue there, to descend into the mud of everyday life and roll up his sleeves in a small-scale tournament like Bastad's, risking his physical appearance …

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Maduro government bans PP parliamentarians from entering Venezuela

El Gobierno de Venezuela ha prohibido la entrada a la delegación española del Partido Popular que este viernes ha viajado al país latinoamericano invitados por la oposición venezolana como observadores en las elecciones de este domingo y les ha comunicado que serán deportados, según han informado a Europa Press fuentes …

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The Predation of the University

the dark corner It is shameful that the Complutense has awarded a professorship to a choni who has no university degree carb & red 26/07/2024 Updated on 27-07-2024 at 01:56 The dirty business of Professor Begoñisima invites us to reflect painfully on the plundering of the Spanish university that the …

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The ridiculous and the arrogant | Paris 2024 Olympic Games

There are always two dangers lurking for the French when they travel the world, and even more so for the Parisians. One is to be ridiculous. The other: to be arrogant. I don't say it, a simple pedestrian in Paris who today will be on the ground floor, walking here …

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Paris risks and saves rain-stricken inauguration

París arriesgó. París pareció perder, pero acabó por ganar. La apuesta por el río Sena como escenario de la inauguración olímpica era seductora, valiente y audaz, una entusiasta enmienda a la tradición olímpica con potencial para marcar una ciaboga en la historia de los Juegos Olímpicos. Acaso el mayor temor …

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