“The Paris Court of Appeal rejected, on Wednesday, November 6, all requests made by Adrien Stephane Muresan in an attempt to challenge the European arrest warrant issued in his name, after the sentence handed down by a Romanian court became a 3 year prison term, for committing traffic offenses (driving without a license and consuming psychoactive substances)”, said the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu.
The Romanian court was asked to send the necessary certificates for recognition of the sentence in France, where Mureșan, a French citizen living in Dijon, asked to serve his sentence. The decision of the Paris Court of Appeal can be appealed to the Court of Cassation, Gorghiu also said.
He emphasized that his mandate takes the problem of “fugitives” seriously, regardless of their fame or the seriousness of the crimes committed. “This year alone, more than 650 fugitives were brought into the country,” Gorghiu said. He also mentioned other famous cases, such as Darius Vâlcov, Minel Prina, Cătălin Cherecheș and Ilie Şerbuc, stressing that “justice must be served to the end” and that “not a day goes by without the fugitive returning to his country.” “.
(source: AFP)