'Podcast' | Nationalized footballers and racism: politics also plays a role in the European Championship | Today in EL PAÍS: your daily podcast

Albanian player Iván Balliu, born in Spain, talks to physical trainer Luca Laurenti during a training session at this European Championship. Alberto Estevez (EFE) The European Football Championship, held in Germany, will feature 82 nationalised players, that is, players who are part of a team from a country in which …

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Editorial | More than a victory for the far right

French President Macron to vote in 2022 election / LUDOVIC MARIN / EFE La aseveración de que la extrema derecha ha ganado las elecciones legislativas en Francia, con más del 33% de los votos, es tan cierta como incompleta. El Reagrupamiento Nacional (RN), que lidera Marine Le Pen, suele ser …

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'I am the Champions League of sex'

'First Dates'wasted no time in celebrating summer. This July 1st Four Love Restaurant It was transformed into a refreshing 'beach club', with sand, cocktails and the stand converted into a jacuzzi. It was in him, among the bubbles, where Michelle (37) and Lidia (35) starred in the most passionate date …

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