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Junqueras announces that he will temporarily leave the ERC presidency after the European elections | Catalonia Elections 12 million

Esquerra Republicana's electoral debacle in Sunday's elections also took away the formation's president, Oriol Junqueras. Naturally, with a formula that allows both the Republican and his followers to buy time to rearm themselves. One day later he ran away himself to maintain leadership amid the crisis managementthe party announced in a press release that its leader will leave the leadership of the party after the European elections in June, to devote himself to listening to the feelings of citizens, and the decision on the future of the leadership has been postponed until November 30, when an Extraordinary Congress will take place

“Oriol Junqueras has announced that he will resign from the presidency of the party after the June 9 elections,” reads the last paragraph of the press release with which the party reported the marathon meeting of the executive body around 10:30 p.m. “[Lo hará] to open a process of reflection and active listening before deciding on your future,” the text concludes. The silent president will appear at a press conference on Thursday.

The pressure on ERC was enormous after Sunday's poor results and the middle path agreed upon by Junqueras loyalists and the Palau de la Generalitat circle. In the electoral hangover, the party's national coordinator and acting president, Pere Aragonès, seemed to take responsibility, because The ERC lost 13 deputies – from 33 to 20 – and failed to secure the necessary seats to reaffirm the leadership of the government. The former vice president of the executive branch, on the other hand, announced in a letter the next day that he intended to take charge of the depressed ranks by linking three electoral defeats and his status as a central force in politics in to lose Catalonia. “I see myself able and strong to continue working for our country and to do so, as always, from the place defined by militancy,” he said.

The contrast in the way both of ERC's first swords took responsibility played against Junqueras. “The citizens have not trusted us, neither our proposals nor the way we explain them,” the president explained in his letter, as a form of self-criticism for the defeat in a campaign in which he participated, but which marked distances with whom he himself was. gave the keys to the party when he was in jail. In the executive branch the general secretary Marta Rovira He intervened in the controversy and chose to promote change. And she has announced that “for the sake of consistency” she will not appear as general secretary at the next congress in November. The Secretary General of the Republicans, who fled to Switzerland to avoid Spanish justice, assures that once the amnesty phase is over, new leaders will have to deal with the next phase: the referendum.

The conference date is not available. On the one hand, Junqueras wants to buy time in his bid to continue leading the party, although Rovira's announcement deprives him of the power to try to repeat this. The party leadership's reflection also moves away from turbulent moments such as the European elections and adapts, just in case, to the calendar of a possible electoral recurrence. Junqueras, who took over the party's leadership in 2012 after the party's debacle, followed by the tripartite party, led the Republican acronym to most of the power. Now he leaves it at a very low moment and without explaining what will happen with the inauguration.

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