Esquerra urges PSC to reach “preliminary agreement” in July on inauguration of Salvador Illa | News from Catalonia

The general secretary of the ERC, Marta Rovira, in telematics connection during the meeting of the National Council of Republicans in Barcelona.ERC (ERC)

Esquera Republicana wants to avoid a last-minute pact a final inauguration of the socialist Salvador Illa as president. The legal deadline to prevent repeat elections in Catalonia expires on August 26 and the leader of the Republicans, Marta Rovira, made it clear this Saturday that she is in no mood to leave everything for last. Rovira has insisted on concluding a “preliminary agreement” this July and, to show his will to reach a successful conclusion, he has strengthened the Republican negotiating team with teams specialized in four issues.

“We want to know if there is political will to reach an agreement,” summarized the leader of the formation in the National Council that the Republicans held this morning and where the regulations for the November extraordinary congress were also approved. Rovira's statements almost overlap with those of Illa, who at the same time offered “generosity and flexibility” in negotiations to his possible allies during an event of the Partit dels Socialistes (PSC) in Mataró (Barcelona).

The Republicans are therefore putting pressure on the PSC to reach an agreement before the deadline, putting four already known leaflets on the table, but keeping all the attention on the economic one: their proposal is still there. unique financing for Cataloniain line with the bilateral treatment of the Basque concert, but with the addition of a component of interterritorial solidarity. “We do not like this tendency to negotiate at the last minute, it does not lead to good agreements for the country,” said Rovira, who at the time fled to Switzerland to avoid action from the Spanish legal system for his involvement in the processes and now he hopes that the amnesty will be applied to him.

Rovira explained to the highest body of the Republicans between congresses that he had asked the PSC to reach a preliminary agreement that would allow him to vote yes to the inauguration of Illa together with the commons – the three formations together account for 68 deputies, the absolute majority in the Catalan Chamber – and to this end he had reorganised the negotiations with the Socialists. Until now, the team had been made up exclusively of deputies Josep Maria Jové, Marta Vilalta, Juli Fernández and a high-ranking party official, Oriol López. The Secretary General announced the creation of four internal working groups, divided into an equal number of folders, to negotiate with the Socialists: single financing, resolution of the political conflict, national reconstruction and maintenance of the policies implemented by the government led by Pere Aragonese.

The ERC's decision is both tactical within a negotiation offered against deadlines and an internal message to the ranks, with a possible pact with the Socialists causing division. Rovira has not yet fully closed the opportunity to support Carles Puigdemont, founder of Junts president. However, it explicitly reflects the few opportunities for this path to flourish. “The PSC does not make its government program clear to us and the Junts do not give us its programs if Puigdemont returns and causes the PSC to abstain.” “We want [el preacuerdo en julio] because we need time to debate this agreement internally, whether it really offers solutions for the country or whether it becomes precarious,” the Republican explained. The Esquerra leadership announced an internal consultation in its base on the meaning of the investiture vote. Reversing distrust towards the socialists is one of the challenges.

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