Mother passes out after drinking too much in car: In back, her 3-year-old daughter dies from heat

Drunk, a mother fell asleep at the wheel of the stationary car. While it was 34 degrees outside, her three-year-old daughter did not survive the heat in the vehicle.

A tragedy has occurred in the United States. A 3-year-old girl lost her life in Anaheim in a particularly heinous way, as reported New York Post. She was found unresponsive in her mother's car. The latter fell asleep after drinking a large amount of alcohol.

34°C outside

With a blood alcohol level four times the legal limit, he passed out and temperatures that day reached 34°C. In the closed car, the temperature rose even more and his three-year-old daughter, sitting in the back of the vehicle, died from the heat. A passerby discovered the mother and daughter lifeless in the car and called emergency services.

The 42-year-old mother survived and, according to her ex-husband, suffered from depression and started drinking. One tragedy reminiscent of another: the same family already lost two children aged 5 and 9 when a drunk driver hit their tent while they were camping.

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