'I am the Champions League of sex'

'First Dates'wasted no time in celebrating summer. This July 1st Four Love Restaurant It was transformed into a refreshing 'beach club', with sand, cocktails and the stand converted into a jacuzzi. It was in him, among the bubbles, where Michelle (37) and Lidia (35) starred in the most passionate date of the night.

The Italian bachelor arrived at his friend's house accompanied by walterwhom he met in Ibiza, a place where both have lived for years. Of course, their respective nights were complete opposites: while walter He drove his suitor away with bad jokes, Michelle He was in love with her.

Michelle went to the program with her boyfriend Walter, but he wasn't that successful with his date


He was looking for 'an elegant, friendly, crazy and adventurous girl'. And the woman from Madrid described herself in a very similar way as the ideal prototype of Michelle, considers herself a woman “very daring, sexy and without any shame”.

Michelle and Lidia, excited at first sight

The Italian waited for her in the jacuzzi, and they liked each other as soon as they saw each other. To such an extent that they declared to have been in love. After a more than promising impression and confession of his satisfaction with the person to whom 'First Dates' had introduced themthe conversation flowed, which underlined the chemistry. During a first date they talked about everything essential, they brought the positions closer together and gained trust. And so the subject of sex came up. A country where they were also very similar.

The two claimed to be “very passionate.” “If you want to ask me if I like to fuck, I love it,” he began without hesitation. “On the first date, I like to fuck, and then if there is attraction and affection, then we make love.” “I like sex,” the bachelor repeated.

Far from being flat, Lidia She told her lover with the same clarity: “I also like sex, I like to innovate, I like to test if someone also has feelings and respect for me and I for him.” The woman from Madrid, despite confessing that she had not had a date for a long time and therefore had no sexual relations, made it clear that “I am the Champions League in terms of sex.”

After the unusual conversation, they wanted to take action. A first kiss led to another, and the box 'First Dates' it was getting warmer. He finished it off with a passionate dive into the jacuzzi.

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