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The government believes that the PP's proposal to use the navy to curb immigration is “not responsible”

The government asks the PP to “focus” and considers that the proposal of Miguel Tellado, spokesman for the PP in Congress, to use the navy to curb illegal immigration, which the far right has been demanding for years, “is not responsible”. “The best thing the PP can do to differentiate itself and be credible in the sense that it does not have the same opinion, way of thinking and conviction as Vox, is to vote yes to the change in the law”, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, has recommended.

Torres has called on Alberto Núñez Feijóo's party to make it clear whether or not it will vote for the amendment of the Immigration Law for the regulated distribution of unaccompanied immigrant minors among all the autonomous communities in order to avoid the collapse of reception services for the Canary Islands, which accommodate more than 6,000 young people.

“I ask the PP to focus on the issue at hand and say yes or no to a change in the law for unaccompanied minors,” the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, claimed after an event at the Ateneo de Madrid, in response to the proposal by Miguel Tellado, popular spokesman in Congress, to use the navy to curb irregular immigration.

“When we are just a few days away from an industry conference [de infancia y adolescencia] Next Wednesday, in the Canary Islands, as the Partido Popular has also asked us to do so that the autonomous communities know the text of the law, issues will appear that have not arisen in all these months. I ask the PP not to deviate from what is today the objective of these months of work, which is to know whether or not we will have the support of that political formation of a state issue in the coming weeks”, ordered the minister and former Canary Islands president. “It is irresponsible to divert the issue at this time”, he concluded in another reproach to Tellado.

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