Rosa Villacastín's overwhelming support for Begoña Gómez at the worst moment: “They will pay for it”

The journalist Rosa Villacastin wanted to come forward in defense of Begoña Gomez and his innocence after learning of his father's death. Through a statement of support, Villacastín has taken a strong stance against the intimidation campaign that the wife of the president of the government is alive, Pedro Sanchez: “The lies, the hoaxes, the damage caused by coming to power, which turned politics into a pigsty, will remain on the conscience of many, they will pay for it. I am sure. Cheer up , Begoña and Pedro,” she indicated.

Rosa Villacastín has responded to an earlier message from a Twitter user who highlighted the lies launched against Begoña Gómez and her family: “Begoña Gómez's father has died. A man who endured how the fascist hordes accuse him of having brothels and whorehouses A man who never had one or the other. They feed off the harm of others. “The one who fucks Fabra's cock.”

Pedro Sánchez cancels his agenda

Sabiniano Gomez, father of Begoña Gómez and father-in-law of government President Pedro Sánchez died on Wednesday, as Moncloa sources confirmed. After receiving the news, Pedro Sánchez has canceled his agenda to accompany his wife in this difficult time.

The president of the government had attended the scrutiny session in the Congress of Deputies that Wednesday, where he was questioned by opposition groups. After meeting with the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijoo; the PNV spokesperson, Aitor Esteban; and the BNG parliamentarian Néstor Rego, the socialist leader, left the Chamber with his team. Subsequently, Moncloa announced the cancellation of his agenda for personal reasons, which was confirmed shortly after the death of his father-in-law, Sabiniano Gómez.

As a result of this situation, Pedro Sánchez canceled his trip to Valencia, where he planned to participate in the first Mediterranean Economic and Social Forum. He has also canceled his trip to Barcelona, ​​where he was due to attend the 37th edition of the Pimes Awards, organized by the Catalan employers' association Pimec. It has not been announced when he will resume his agenda, although it is possible he will do so on Thursday when he will travel to Brussels for the European Council meeting.

The PSOE expresses its condolences to Begoña Gómez

The Socialist Party has expressed its condolences to Begoña Gómez, wife of the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, for the death of her father, Sabiniano Gómez, which occurred last Wednesday. “Our most sincere condolences to Begoña Gómez and her family during these difficult times. A big hug from all socialists,” the PSOE said in a message on the party's official account on social network X.

Gómez is a member of the PSOE and attended a party meeting Benalmadena (Málaga) during the election campaign for the European elections on June 9. That day, Gómez again appeared in public alongside Pedro Sánchez, after a judge called her to testify as she was under investigation for alleged crimes of corporate corruption and influence peddling.

Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo shake hands after the inauguration session. EP

At that event, Sánchez's wife received the support of the socialist sympathizers, who chanted her name, and also of the leaders who spoke at the meeting: the general secretary of the Andalusian Socialists, Juan Espadas and the candidate of the Socialist Europeans for the Commission. , the Luxembourg citizen Nicholas Schmit and the third vice-president and head of the Socialists' list, Teresa Ribera.

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