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Latest political news, live | PP signs agreement with the government of the Canary Islands on the distribution of foreign minors and demands that the central Executive joins in | Spain

PP signs agreement with Canary Islands government and demands Pedro Sánchez's executive to join in

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced in Santa Cruz de Tenerife the nine-point agreement he signed with the government of the Canary Islands to guarantee the mandatory distribution of unaccompanied migrant minors throughout Spain. “It is a document that seeks consensus and solves present and future problems,” said Feijóo, alongside the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, and the president of the PP of the islands and vice-president of the regional executive, Manuel Domínguez. “We hope that the central government adheres to the vision of the State that is reflected in this document.”

“The Popular Party,” Clavijo said, “can propose today an agreement with the will to negotiate, a document with a broad consensus, which will be sent to the Spanish government and which will be the subject of this highly requested session. in.” “with the Spanish government. “It is a proposal,” Feijóo said, “and the Spanish government has not made any proposal to the Popular Party.” In this sense, Feijóo rejected the possibility of resuming negotiations with the proposal presented by La Moncloa and the government of the Canary Islands and which was rejected in Congress on July 23. The agreement set out today, Feijóo and Clavijo stressed, binds both the PP majorities in Congress and the Senate and the 14 autonomous communities and cities that it governs.

This agreement includes some measures that the PP has been demanding in recent weeks, such as the urgent convening of the Conference of Presidents, the declaration of a national emergency on immigration, to facilitate recruitment and “draw attention” to the European Union situation; an urgent call to the Sectoral Conference on Children to agree on the distribution criteria and “guarantee that no LACC is exempted”, Feijóo stressed.

The text also includes what the parties have called “Action Plan against the lack of immigration control”, which includes six points such as improving police control at the Spanish borders, establishing a transit passport to authorize the entry of migrants from countries where it is not yet necessary, “to stop the uncontrolled flow at airports”, to provide more human and material resources to the General Commission on Immigration. At this stage, aspects already underway are being demanded, such as the deployment of security forces in countries of origin and transit “and the deployment of Frontex and the European Asylum Agency”.

In addition, a commitment is requested from the central government to internal unity of action, as well as to “respect for the extreme situation and criteria” of the majority of the autonomous communities. The fifth point establishes that there is a “guaranteed financial sufficiency” for the communities, which must be established at a joint meeting of the Sectoral Conference on Immigration and the Conference on Children and Youth. This section requires the creation of a contingency fund for the autonomous communities and that the reform of the Immigration Law specifies that the State will assume the “financial commitment” to cover the extraordinary resources of the communities whose assistance capacity is “exceeded”. Both the Government of the Canary Islands and the PP have explained their financing proposal in recent weeks: the autonomous communities will continue to care for children in their centers until 100% of their capacity is reached; When the centres are between 100 and 150%, they will continue in the centres managed by the communities, but the State will have to transfer economic resources to them and, when this 150% is exceeded, the State will be the one that will welcome the minors in accommodation solutions provided for this purpose, as is the case for adults.

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