the explicit video that can convince the jury

It is not common in Audience Provincial of Toledo is looking at the inclusion of a murder in a trial. It is therefore not usual that this explicit video about a crime can make it easier for the people's jury to pronounce its verdict, as happened on Monday on the first day.

The nine members of the court, plus the two alternates, behind closed doors they watched the entire violent course of a brawl that ended with the death of the Romanian Lucian at Miguel Esteban's Débora bar, in the middle of the launch of wooden chairs and stools on the night of October 30, 2020.

The Public Prosecution Service attributes the murder to Claudiu, the victim's compatriot, with the extenuating circumstance of self-defense. However, the private Public Prosecution Service increases the crime to murder, while his lawyer defends that, according to the source, he repelled the attack with a knife, razor or katana from Florín and Lucian, among others.

Florinalso Romanian, He is the second defendant in these proceedings. The representative of the Public Prosecution Service accuses this strong man of trying to end Claudiu's life, after a journey of 400 kilometers, although his lawyer flatly rejects this.

In In this story there was a third persecutionclassified as an accomplice because he took the murder weapon, which never appeared. But Pedro Jiménez was acquitted at the beginning of the hearing by the chairman of the jury, Judge Emilio Buceta. The defendant, who briefly intervened from a prison via videoconference, was the brother-in-law of the alleged murderer when the events took place: at the time, Claudiu was in a romantic relationship with Débora, the owner of the bar and Florín's ex. partner, with whom he has two daughters. For this reason, defended by Pedro's lawyer, the judge immediately applied the exemption provided for in the Criminal Code due to family ties, albeit with the public prosecutor's protest.

But to write this handful of lines It was necessary to listen to very long speeches from all parties in their first presentation, which in some cases were very heavy. For the majority, it's their first jury, and that was noted in that preliminary trial, while for the judge, it's the last trial before it stops and changes destination on June 19.

The President will certainly remember this trial from the times he had to read the letter to the lawyers and the prosecutor so that they could get to the point, because “the jury is going to disconnect”. “You brought the prepared conclusions from home,” he even blurted out to Enrique Torés, of the private prosecutor, “and if you are going to tell us what the witnesses are going to testify, I will not allow it. “

And “we are lucky to have a video,” as Ángel Javier Sánchez, Claudiu's lawyer, said. In the recording from the building's security cameras, Florín punches and kicks Claudiu dozens of times as he leaves the bathroom. It happens just before the alleged killer gets the knife between his clothes and the fencing at the back of the bar, in front of Florín and Lucian, who throw at least a stool and a chair at him. Moments later, the deceased is seen bleeding profusely from the neck as he crosses the bar and collapses as soon as he steps onto the street, while Florín is badly injured and so is Débora for trying to mediate.

«When I left the bathroom, I was hit and I was between two worlds. I just wanted to defend my life because I couldn't escape.», he stated in court, denying that he spoke badly about Florín to his daughters. This one, who was the first to testify, stated precisely that this was one of the two reasons that led him to that violent behavior. The other, that Claudiu threatened him on Facebook that he was going to kill him.

To clarify, Florín said: The car day was 400 kilometers by car: He traveled with his daughters to Talavera de la Reina from Quintanar de la Orden, nine kilometers from Miguel Esteban, and returned to Débora's bar with four friends. One of them, Lucian, was the fatal victim, as can be seen in the illuminating video that the jury saw on the first day. The hearing will resume this Tuesday.

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