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Hereu announces support of 96 million euros for the digital transformation of tourism

Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry.  EP

Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry. EP

Dolors Montserrat, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Isabel Díaz Ayuso.  EP

This call for help, which falls within the Smart Destinations Network, was published on Monday, June 10 in the Official state newsletter (BOO). The deadline for submitting it has a limit of up to 15 days after that from the opening of your call.

Once the implementation period for the projects opens, it can of course be extended until June 2026. In addition, the maximum budget that each project will have will be six million euros.

As stated by the BOE, the purpose of the aid is “to finance the development and implementation of intelligent destination platforms” or, where appropriate, “optional reference models within already existing platforms”. In the same way, the “interconnection and integration” of the different platforms is sought. That is, search connect the tourist with all agentss digital and improve target relationshipjust like the relationship between citizens of tourist areas and visitors.

From the Catalan capital, Hereu defended: “Spain must lead the triple transformation of the tourist, social, economic and environmental model.” Likewise, he emphasized that “Barcelona must be the spearhead of this revolution.”

Yolanda Díaz, leader of Sumar, during the closing of the European campaign.  EP

The aid is distributed between provincial councils and autonomous communities

As shown by the BOE, of the 96 million euros allocated to the Industry and Tourism portfolio, almost 33 million euros is distributed among the provincial councils, municipalities and island councils.

Of the remaining money, approximately 57 million euros will be distributed among the other locations. The last six million euros will go to uniprovincial autonomy, the maximum amount the projects will have.

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