All parties except PP and C's undertake in writing to disagree with Vox or Aliança Catalana

All parties in the Catalan parliamentary arc, except PP and Ciudadanos, signed a commitment this Wednesday, just four days before the elections, to isolate Vox and Aliança Catalana, the two far-right formations with options to gain representation in the elections on the 12th. of May.

The parties have agreed not to accept the votes of these political options “neither by action nor by inaction.” Junts and PSC thus join a commitment that ERC, Comuns and the CUP already signed on April 25. Although Socialist candidate Salvador Illa and Junts candidate Carles Puigdemont have made it clear that they would not negotiate with these parties, neither has committed in writing not to do so.

In the case of the Junts, there was also the possibility that Aliança Catalana would ultimately vote for the inauguration of Puigdemont, despite the fact that the former president did not negotiate with them, as suggested by the leader of the xenophobic party, Sílvia Orriols, in a interview. in The reasonwhere they assured that they were ready to give “a second chance” to the post-convergent candidate.

The cordon sanitary signed on Wednesday also covers all parliamentary activities during the next parliamentary term. The signatories undertake to prevent the presence of these parties in the board and in the committees, as well as any appointment of the institutions, as much as possible.

“We will not endorse any joint parliamentary initiative with these formations and we will prevent their initiatives from coming to fruition,” says the document, which also specifies that a “monitoring committee” will be established that will meet “regularly” to monitor the application to check the law. the agreement.

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