Pedro Sánchez: “We were right. Forgiveness has a healing effect” | Catalonia Elections 12 million

“We were right.” This is how forcefully and bluntly Pedro Sánchez has started his analysis in the PSOE executive of the result of the Catalan elections, in which the PSC won a comfortable victory, both in terms of seats and votes, putting Salvador Illa in the best position among the candidates who fought to become the next president of the Generalitat. The president of the government has claimed “the healing effect of forgiveness,” sources of the socialist leadership tell EL PAÍS, referring to what they understand in recent years as the policy of détente and reunification to put an end to the processesfirst with the pardon, then with the reform of the Criminal Code to repeal the crime of sedition and the reform of embezzlement and finally with the amnesty law that will be approved by Congress in the coming weeks.

Another of the conclusions drawn by the leader of the PSOE from 12-M is that Catalans 'want to stay and be part of the attractive Spain' that the Socialists are 'building'. For the first time since 1980, Catalan nationalist parties – later pro-independence parties – will not win an absolute majority in parliament. Faced with the doubts of those who claim he would be willing to sacrifice Illa in exchange for ensuring governability in Congress, Sánchez has denied that possibility. “The Government of Catalonia will decide in Catalonia,” he declared, insisting on giving its full attention in the negotiations to obtain the necessary support for the inauguration of Salvador Illa. The Catalan socialist leader, he stressed, has “the absolute confidence and support” of the PSOE executive. But Ferraz asks for peace and time and assumes that the negotiations, which Illa will lead, will take time. Meanwhile, Sánchez has advised the Socialist Executive to enjoy the result. “Let's enjoy it a lot,” the president said, according to several attendees at the meeting. Regarding the PP, which has gone from 3 to 15 seats, The president of the government has noted that despite the improvement, this will be “insignificant” for the governability of Catalonia. as already happened in Euskadi.

The atmosphere in the federal executive, reflected by the smiling faces of its fifty members, was calm and relaxed. Sánchez, who arrived at the conclave accompanied by María Jesús Montero, number two of the executive and the PSOE, and the Secretary of the Organization, Santos Cerdán, was received with applause. It was the first of many others, in contrast to the more subdued celebration after the Basque elections, in which the Socialists grew and strengthened their position in view of the re-election of a coalition government with the PNV. In that Executive, Sánchez already influenced this idea: “You cannot see the change in the cycle, no matter how hard some people try.” He did this in reference to the unfulfilled predictions of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Sánchez himself declared himself 'happy' at several points during the hour and a half meeting. The PSOE general secretary has also recalled the “suffering” that officials across the party hierarchy have suffered since October last year, from the pacts ahead of his inauguration to the agreements with the independents to process the amnesty law. Since then, hundreds of houses in the town, the local headquarters of the PSOE, have been targeted by vandalism and socialist cadres have faced attacks – such as the former mayor of Ponferrada, Olegario Ramón – and even had to transport an escort again. as they did in the past, because they were targets of ETA, as happened with Santos Cerdán.

After Sánchez, a dozen members of the PSOE leadership asked to speak. The tone was the same in all of them. The central messages refer to Illa's victory as the triumph of 'moderation' and as a sign that Catalans have emphatically indicated in the elections 'that they want to turn the page and reach the end of the day'. processes”. “A new moment is dawning in Catalonia and citizens have supported the PSC agenda, the socialist agenda of coexistence and understanding. Now it is time for dialogue and looking to the future in Catalonia,” said Iratxe García upon his arrival in Ferraz. The current chairman of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and number two on the PSOE lists for the European elections has emphasized that the result will be a boost for them in the June 9 elections: “Of course , let's go for the win.” The Popular Party plans to turn it into a new plebiscite against Sánchez. The Socialists, on the other hand, believe that the outcome will be more equal than what the PP expects and predict that Feijóo may face another problem if he does not meet expectations.

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According to Elma Saiz, Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, “Catalans have spoken clearly and what they have done is support policies based on dialogue, on seeking consensus and valuing plurality.”

The acting deputy lehendakari, Idoia Mendia, has emphasized that the PSC result “is a clear example of the commitment that Pedro Sánchez has made from the beginning for coexistence, for institutionalized relations with the Catalan parties and for dialogue, and has asked for calmness. It will take a long time before the pacts are addressed so that a government with a socialist president is established.

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