Carlos Alsina and Susanna Griso poke a finger in Sumar's wound after Yolanda Díaz's resignation

Emmanuel Macron, after the historic results of the extreme right with Le Pen, or the resignation of the Belgian Prime Minister due to the poor results of his formation. Spain was no exception and There has also been a political earthquake, albeit with fewer consequences than what was experienced in France and Belgium. Used to be Yolanda Díaz who starred in it, when last Monday he decided to resign from the leadership of Sumar, completely decapitating the second party in the Spanish government, after the poor results of the coalition, which kept them out of the ruling party European Parliament to IU for the first time.

A surprising decision that is reflected in the connection they make Susanna Griso out Public mirror and Carlos Alsina of Onda Cero. Both presenters commented on current events and the presenter of the program Antenna 3 introduced the topic and seems surprised by the still's decision second vice president of the government and minister of labor, Yolanda Díaz: “Who was going to tell us a week ago that today we would be talking about Yolanda Díaz's farewell in Sumar?” “I don't think anyone,” Alsina replied, adding: “And that would not be the case because Sumar's results were not expected to be poor,” says the radio presenter. in allusion to previous polls that did not predict good results for Díaz's formation.

Alsina He has been blunt about Díaz's situation: “Yolanda Díaz started from a situation that was not secret to anyone, and his leadership was not like that”. “Addition doesn't work because it was born the way it was born,” he says, then thinks about the war that has been going on for months. with the formation of Ione Belarrato ensure that there are wounds that are not alone They have not closed, but grown.

Griso and Alsina also discussed Díaz's situation in the executive branch. The latter has defined the situation of Yolanda Díaz in the government as “rare”, because she is the leader of the ministers of Sumar, without being the leader of Sumar, and Griso added that “he keeps the official car and the walletand the other, the boring, the bureaucratic, “He's telling it to we don't know who.”

They then discussed possible successors to Díaz and dropped Griso as Sumar's spokesperson. Íñigo Errejón, something that the presenter himself has acknowledged that ““It wouldn't serve to reunite anything.”while Alsina has gone further and provided that those in charge to lead the 'transformative' left They will be those who are not in Sumar as such: “On the one hand Ione Belarra, Irene Montero and Pablo Iglesias”says Alsina, and then describes it as “triumvirate that works” and then he named the new leader of Izquierda Unida, Antonio Maillowhich he claims to have”“more ideas and political depth than Yolanda Díaz.”

Alsina has also taken the opportunity to ensure that the Sumar project is 'liquidated and extinguished'. Then both presenters started commenting on the rest of the Spanish news, the possibility of a general election after the European elections. and the Catalan question, very complex after the election of Josep Rull, of Junts, as president of the parliament of Catalonia, causing the first party in parliament, Salvador Illa's PSC, to lose the presidency.

Poll to see who will succeed Yolanda Díaz at the helm of Sumar

More Madrid continues with Sumar

Más Madrid will continue to work with the Sumar coalition, they call for a Coalition tablewith autonomy and horizontality as key words, and have warned that, after the election results, the commitment to “a course without political organizations” has proven to be “failed”.

“It is time to leave behind the hypotheses that do not work and, with humility and responsibility, begin a new phase. Election after election during Last year the importance of territorial roots was confirmed, of knowledge of the territory, of the knowledge that only those who know it firsthand cherish the problems and desires of their neighbors. “It is time for municipal policy, for trade union work, for presence in labor conflicts, for environmental action, for feminist organizing,” they have defended. from Mas Madrid.

For the formation of Mónica García, it is “clear that the outcome of the elections and the announcement by Yolanda Díaz to leave her position within Sumar, while remaining at the head of the Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Labor, is a for and mark a time later.”

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