'Feijóo is Pedro Sánchez's best minister'

The regional vice-president of the Region of Murcia, José Ángel Antelo, appeared this Friday at 12:00 to offer his resignation and make the official break of Vox with the Popular Party due to disagreements over the reception of unaccompanied foreign minors. “Now the Region of Murcia has a weak PP government,” he reminded his former partners.

Antelo addressed the fifteenth point of the agreement between the two parties when asked about the specificity of the pact regarding illegal immigration. “We agreed not to collaborate with illegal immigration,” he stated. He also assured that López Miras' position was very difficult: “I could not explain why they changed their position at the last minute, despite the fact that the adviser had said that we could not take in more children because social services and health care were saturated.”

He has sharply criticized the national leadership of the PP: “The situation of instability in the region is directly the fault of Mr. Feijoo, who constantly lives to save the Socialist Party. Alberto Núñez Feijoo is the best minister that Pedro Sánchez has.” “I think the most sensible thing is that the citizens of the region, who have clearly said that they do not want a government of the Popular Party alone, must choose the model in which they want to live. transcends the region of Murcia “But it will be a capital model in the future of Spain.”

During the press conference at the Murcian Ministry of the Interior, the former regional vice-president, who was also responsible for this portfolio in addition to Emergencies and Territorial Planning, appeared with a serious face. He was accompanied by José Manuel Pancorbo, Minister of Development and Infrastructure in the region, who is also resigning from his ministry and, unlike Antelo, does not have a seat in the Murcian Parliament.

Autonomous area only

At the municipal level, Antelo has only ensured that the planned rupture also covers the regional level: “If there are Popular Party governments within the local powers that want to continue collaborating with illegal immigration, they will have to do so alone.”

Antelo has assured that if there is collaboration “with illegal immigration, it is because Vox is not there.” The former vice-president of the region has stressed that migration is the cause of the rift with the PP: “In the Region of Murcia we know very well the consequences of illegal immigration. We are the Canary Islands of the peninsula, we are the second gateway for illegal immigration and we have a serious security problem. “You cannot send the message that all of Africa fits into the region.”

“Logically, one comes to serve,” Antelo explained. “I’ve said it before: the most valuable thing a person has is the given word and we don’t break that.”

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