'It's a great day for democracy'

achieved this on Tuesday with the Popular Party It means that “a broad consensus” is needed, both in the governing body of judges and in parliament, to agree on a new system for electing members. This became apparent at the press conference after the signing of the agreement in Brussels with the negotiator of the Partido Popular, Esteban González Pons.

Bolaños has emphasized that this agreement puts an end to a “institutional and constitutional anomaly“that had affected the functioning of the judiciary – the governing body of the judges had a mandate that had already expired for more than five years due to the PP blockade:”It is a great day for Spanish democracy and the rule of law“.

“I think this proposal guarantees that this should be the case at least three-fifths of the new Council, what it does is that it reinforces the need for consensus within the government of the judiciary,” Bolaños indicated in his appearance next to the Vice-President of the Commission. Vera Jourovawho acted as mediator.

Moreover, Bolaños has emphasized that this proposal would later be transferred to Parliament, where it would need an absolute majority. The agreement signed by Bolaños and the PP's Deputy Secretary of Institutional Action, Esteban González Pons, also includes a reform of the Organic Law of the Judiciary and the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecution Service to strengthen the regime of incompatibilities between people who “exercise a judicial career and who move to political activities and vice versa,” the minister emphasized.

The minister also emphasized that a “qualification committee” in the General Council for the Judiciary, which will “guarantee” that appointments are objective and based on track record, experience and merit.

Likewise, Bolaños has emphasized the “enormous political value” that he believes this agreement has for the country, Spanish society and also for judges and magistrates. “In short, for the institutional and also reputational health of our country,” summarized Bolaños, who also emphasized that it is an agreement that benefits all citizens: ““It is a great day for Spanish democracy and for the rule of law.”.

Everything will be approved in July

Bolaños also confirmed that the election of the twenty members of the CGPJ and the twelve deputies, as well as the approval in Congress of the bill to renew the Organic Law of the Judiciary, will take place in the month of July.

He further thanked Jourova and Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders, who participated as a mediator in several meetings for Jourova, as well as the “effort” of the PP and his colleague González Pons, with whom he worked hard to reach an agreement.

Bolaños also thanked the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, for his “support” in recent years, despite the fact that the negotiations have had “very difficult” moments.

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