Latest political news, live | Feijóo: “Neither the PSOE nor the PP will control the judiciary. Mission accomplished” | Spain

Zapatero welcomes the unblocking of the CGPJ and highlights the work of a government “prone to agreements”

The former president of the government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has described as “necessary” the agreement reached on Tuesday to renew the CGPJ after six years of blockade. The former president has defended the ability of the current executive branch to reach an agreement, recalling other consensuses reached with social actors, unions and businesspeople. “The most important thing about the agreement is that consensus is achieved in a mandatory way, something that will be positive for the system, the rule of law and justice.” Zapatero has stated that the country is “on a very positive path”, recalling the 0.8% economic growth achieved by Spain in the first quarter of 2024.

Regarding the amnesty law, which came into effect this Tuesday, the former president has maintained that he is “convinced” that the law “will be very positive for coexistence and for regaining time lost due to crises that never occurred occurred'.

Regarding the question of whether judges should have more power in choosing the governing bodies of the judiciary, Zapatero has referred to a possible consensus-based agreement to reform the system of electing members, as long as the “legitimacy of those who represent citizens' is retained.

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