Sánchez stays and so does Feijóo (with Vox and Alvise)

Lots of noise, but everything remains the same. Little changes in our national government. Not so in France, where a defeat was suffered Macron has dissolved the National Assembly and called parliamentary elections after Le Pen's landslide victory. Or in Germany, where the far right rises to second place. Here, in Spain, the PP is winningYes, with four points and with only two seats compared to the PSOE, which loses one MEP compared to 2019, but remains at 30% of the vote. The X-ray showing the result in the sum of the voting percentages between the blocs is the same as the one that came out of the general election a year ago when the result of nationalists and independentists is added to the left. First conclusion: Sánchez will stay and so will Feijóo, but with Vox and now also with Alvise of allies.

This fulfills the wish with which the popular Esteban González Pons ended the European election campaign. Not because they ended in a draw, but because they both remain where they are, one in La Moncloa and the other in opposition. The approval of the amnesty law, the investigation into Begoña Gómez's professional activitiesThe collaboration of some judges has mobilized the right that this 9J increases the pyrrhic distance to Sánchez by just over one point that he obtained in the 2023 general elections. However, the results are achieved with a participation of 49% of the electorate, 11 .51 points less than in 2019 and with almost five million voters who did not go to the polls.

In any case, the referendum for Sánchez that Feijóo proposed in these European elections remained a narrow victory, far from the clear victory that the popular months ago and without clearly seeing the change in the cycle that Feijóo, after hearing about the control, was already talking about. Despite everything, the PSOE holds on, while the popular ones win after absorbing the deceased Ciudadanos in the European elections, from which the right-wing bloc emerges even more fragmented than in 2019. And to the strength of Vox, which goes from four to six Members of the European Parliament, is now added the rise of Se Acabó La Fiesta, a party that is even more radical than that of 2019. that of Abascal and led by the agitator Alvise Pérez, a paradigm of deception and misinformation. Feijóo has therefore not one problem since Monday, but two, because with this division he will not be able to govern Spain other than in a coalition with the extreme right, which is now divided in two.

The PP believed in the polls that gave it a ten-point lead over the PSOE, lowered expectations during the campaign and ended Sunday evening satisfied with a narrow victory and with the contrast between the twelve points and eight seats with which the PSOE edged them out. five years ago and the 9J result was in their favor. They took little time to congratulate themselves for surpassing Sánchez's team for the third time in a national election, as they already did in the 2023 municipal and general elections. “Just one point is enough to win,” responded they asked in Genoa whether Feijóo believed that he had won the referendum on Pedro Sánchez with only a two-seat lead. The slogan is to focus on the growth of the center-right bloc, an amount that includes the votes of PP, Vox and Ciudadanos – five years ago they accounted for 38% of the vote and now they exceed 48% – and also in that the PSOE has opposed itself at the expense of fishing in the shed of Podemos, Sumar and the nationalist parties.

In any case, the PSOE, disappointed with the result because it has really come to believe in the technical band, saves the furniture again, as happened in the general elections of July 2023, after municipal and regional elections that left a large part of the map of had erased the card. the card. Sánchez did not hesitate during the campaign to fall into the trap of the plebiscite handed to him by Feijóo and adopted the same polarizing strategy by denouncing an orchestrated operation against his wife, after the judicial investigation into possible crimes of corruption and influence. have led to him gaining twenty Members of the European Parliament – ​​only one less than in 2019 – at the expense of his Sumar, his governing partner. The PP is already playing with the idea that it has already won four elections against Pedro Sánchez – municipal, regional, general and European – but it will be difficult to install the framework that the results are a change of the entire government and its policies and a call for Sánchez to leave Moncloa.

“There is no change in the cycle, the plebiscite proposed by Feijóo fails and the PP does not get off the ground” is the urgent reading that the Socialists made after the last check, despite the fact that the PP defeated them by almost 700,000 votes and Historically it is said that this always prevails among Europeans, and this also applies to the next general election. Sánchez's people insist that the brand remains above 30% of the total votes in Spain and that they have once again saved the furniture, 'despite the political, media and legal offensive against the coalition government and against the president and your whole family. “. Not for nothing, just three months ago, the popular players predicted that they would win the European Championships by more than 10 points, and in the end it was four.

That Yolanda Díaz's training has collapsed keeps the battle open with a Podemos that regains oxygen by winning two seats, only one less than Sumar who did not get the fourth that would correspond to IU, after the plurinational group chose to take priority in the negotiations on the candidacy give to Comunes ya Compromís above Izquierda Unida and Más Madrid. The battle between Podemos and Díaz's space is no stranger to Sánchez, who now faces a government partner who can amplify his speech and maintain the bizarre strategy of governing in the morning and acting as opposition at night, as happened during the election campaign.

The future of the Díaz coalition, which was the big absentee on Sunday evening by not even going to the party headquarters, remains to be clarified, as does the leadership of the second vice-president of the government, who has been in office since last July's elections until today it has fallen about 8 points, from 12.3% to 4.65% of the vote. Only 0.07% more than Alvise Pérez, the ultra-agitator of Se Acabó La Fiesta.

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