This is the Stasi

This happened not so long ago, contrary to what the PP usually says every time one of its corruption scandals returns to the news. It happened during the last popular government, led by Mariano Rajoy. And it was not just another corruption scandal among the many that exploded in the hands of the popular people, but rather a very serious case of political espionage that affected the essence of democracy.

According to documentation sent by the National Police Corps to the National Court judge Santiago Pedraz, at least 55 Podemos deputies were spied on illegally between 2015 and 2016, coming from different police units, including their then leader Pablo Iglesias, and his successor, Ione Belarra; the current Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, and the deputy of Sumar Iñigo Errejón, close to Iglesias at the time. It remains to be determined whether the surveillance was coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior, led by Jorge Fernández Díaz, or whether it was an initiative of police groups eager to gain merit; Be that as it may, these took place in a climate of political demonisation against the purple formation and with a government experienced in the use of illegal espionage, as shown in the case of the Catalan Independentists or in that of Luis Bárcenas, the former treasurer of the PP itself, in the case of the Catalan Independentists. case Kitchen, for which the entire domestic leadership of Rajoy's Executive is being prosecuted.

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