Documentary series Stranger Investigations (Netflix) follows a series of popular shows about flying saucers in general. American journalist George Knapp raised mysterious images of an allegedly unknown vehicle, suspecting it was aggressive and the government was hiding the truth. This is not an original approach.
Second episode of Stranger Investigations This is very attractive to Brazilians. It talks about Operation Prato carried out by the Brazilian Air Force between 1977 and 1978. The operation occurred due to a wave of complaints that occurred on the coast of the states of Pará and Maranhão. Glowing objects appeared in the sky and “attacked” citizens with rays that looked like needles.
Knapp traveled with his team to the town of Colares, on the coast of Pará, where these alleged attacks occurred most frequently. It shows newspapers of the time and interviews two women who swear they were attacked by lights in the sky – and show burn marks on their chests.
Are all Colares people lying? Have they all gone crazy? Then everyone has their own opinion. George Knapp does his job without drawing conclusions. According to witnesses, FAB made a series of videos and collections of evidence in 1977/1978 that simply disappeared. According to witnesses, the person holding this material was the usual suspect – the American intelligence agency, the CIA.