'It is unacceptable that Zapatero is complicit in this abuse of democracy'

The spokesman for the Popular Group in Congress named the former president because he is the head of Maduro's observers

The spokesman for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado X


Updated on 27-07-2024 at 00:00.

After a transoceanic journey from Barajas to Caracas, the PP delegation, invited to the South American country by the Venezuelan opposition as an observer, discovered that it could not enter the country. The government of Nicolás Maduro has not granted them accessconfiscated their mobile devices and interrogated them for an hour. The reactions of popular politicians themselves they didn't wait.

One of the PP parliamentarians who traveled to the Spanish-American country is the spokesman for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, who was quick to denounce him. that Zapatero is complicit in this democratic outrage. “The Sánchez government is once again showing its collusion with the dictatorial regime of Maduro.”


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