The Inter-University Experience Program concludes a new course after reaching a record 5,545 students

The Interuniversity Experience Program concluded a new course yesterdayor after reaching the record number of students with 5,545 participants, after more than 15 percent growth demonstrating the increasing “success, recognition and demand” of an initiative that surpassed 90 percent student approval.

All this was revealed by the Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities, Isabel Blancoin statements collected by Ical before the graduation ceremony of the participants from the University of Valladolid, which took place at the Faculty of Education and Social Work.

Blanco also highlighted the increasing acceptance of the 'online' area, which was launched during the pandemic and which enrolled 217 of the total 5,545 students last year. Moreover, this remote presence allows us to “reach the rural world” in a community “par excellence” and which in this way reaches “the entire territory” through new headquarters.

Specifically, the Interuniversity Experience Program cIt currently has 41 head offices, after increasing the number of 'online' universities by four to 14, while the remaining 27 are face-to-face and spread across all campuses of the public and private universities in the Community.

“The goal is to further expand the headquarters next year,” Blanco revealed, who boasted about this It is “a very popular program” and that, in addition to providing participants with knowledge, it also “helps combat unwanted loneliness and contribute to active aging.”

In this way, Isabel Blanco concluded, “one of the commitments of the President, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, is to continue to promote and focus on our rural world, on the elderly, and on putting on the table new activities that help them, fulfilled.” in their daily lives.

Take care of it, improve it and expand it

The director of the Interuniversity Experience Program of the University of Valladolid, Ana María Iglesias, for her part, appreciated the increase in the number of students not only at the headquarters in the capital Valladolid, where there are 200 physical students, but in all the UVa campuses, with students “very satisfied, who repeat year after year”, and a teaching staff “very committed to these activities and to the transmission of university knowledge.”

For this reason, she was prepared to expand the UVa classrooms next year to “cover the needs that arise,” and to adopt those improvements and innovations necessary to “maintain, enhance and enhance the Interuniversity Program of Experience.” to care for, improve and expand”. At the same time, “meeting the needs and requests of the students.”

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